A friendly visit from the police

I started walking at about two o’clock today. The temperature was noticeably cooler and I could hold a good speed without sweating too much.

There is no known Great Wall between the stretch I just followed and the next stretch that starts East of Yinchuan. Scholars seem divided to where it’s possible remains are. Most mean it went on the Eastern side of the Yellow River. But there are indications that the Yellow River has changed course fairly dramatically over the years. Because of this, it’s possible that the remains of the Great Wall may be found on the Western side of the Yellow River too.

I struck up a course towards Southeast today, heading for the only bridge I could detect that crosses the Yellow River in the area.

After walking for about three hours, I came to a small village and asked for a cheap place to spend the night. I ended up paying 20 RMB (Kr 20 / $ 3) for a basic room with shared toilet and shower. Then I went to eat. After ordering food, I went out to get some Ice Tea. Two policemen approached me and asked to see my passport. Then they said they wanted to speak more to me, and would wait at the guesthouse.

As I ate, I was wondering what was going on. Back at the guest house the two officers had become five. They asked me to pack my stuff and follow them to a different hotel. I asked why, stating that in the four months of walking, I have never had any problem with the police. An officer that spoke some English looked up a word on his mobile and said: “It is prescribed”. So instead of a cheap 20 RMB night, I am now at the prescribed hotel at 165 RMB. At least breakfast is included   🙂

At all times the police behaved in a friendly way. The guy that spoke English was very sympathetic. I hope this will not happen too often, because I am many kilometres away from the starting point for tomorrow.

15 kilometres today.