I have been relaxing today and working on the GPS tracks for the trip. Thanks for the tips Bryan.
Have also been tracking the parcel containing the new GPS, which Jon sent by courier. This afternoon the status was that it was delivered to the hotel. They had even written the name of the person that signed for it. I went down to the reception like a little boy on Christmas morning, eagerly looking for my ‘present’. But the receptionist didn’t understand what I was trying to say.
Later, my brother offered to talk to the receptionist and it seems that no parcel was delivered today. In addition there is no person working at the hotel with the name that was given in the tracking system. A bit of a bummer to say the least. So – I’m going to continue walking tomorrow and hope that it will show up. If it isn’t here within a day or two, we’ll have to contact the courier company.
To bad with the GPS. Some happy news to give you a good start in the morning. I had a baby-girl today. I named it after you. If you take all the letters in your name and delete most of them – you have the letters L and E remaining. Add a few letters more and you get ALVILDE. At least I thought of you.
Nice one Bjartmar! Many congratulations with your daughter. (Yes, I and I see the names are nearly the same too 😉 )
Good luck with Alvilde Bjarte!