I’m happy to be back on the Great Wall. It has not changed. The weather has.
Getting off to a late start, I enjoyed walking up and down some steep hills by The Wall without sweating too much. Feels good. The evenings are a lot cooler. The leaves on the trees have changed colour.
I’m lying in a new tent, on a new sleeping mattress. I used more robust trousers for the first time today, and also a new GPS with a map giving a lot of information about roads, rivers and villages close by.
More about this later. Right now I just want to remind you of the article Bryan at the Great Wall Forum has written about the Great Wall Sections. You can see the link under this post.
6 kilometres today
Nå er det lenge siden jeg har fulgt deg på vandringen din. 14-september fikk jeg nytt kne – og kom hjem i går etter 3 uker på rehabilitering. Ingen spøk å venne seg til nytt kne, men det går stadig bedre. Bruker krykker, spiser piller og trener så mye som jeg orker. Pass godt på knærne dine!!!