I wish all those in Norway and other places where they celebrate on the eve of the 24th a very Merry Christmas!!!
A large thanks to John in the UK that sent me a copy of his fantastic and original Emergency Christmas Tree Kit ™ Thanks a lot John! I will post a picture of the result tomorrow!
Click the image beneath to see the kit in all it’s glory:
Today has been a cold and windy day!! Went to the Great Wall north of Datong and had a good time there with some friends I have met here in Datong.
Happy Christmas from Elfrid & Harald, Angelika & me in Oslo! Looking at the map, you seems to be about half way through, though halfway on the map may or may not reflect the reality; 1 horizontal kilometer looks far longer on the map than 1 vertical kilometer and a visible wall should be easier to follow than where it isn’t. Wishing you a somewhat warmer New Year and happy walking!
Fortsatt god jul!
Det er 2. juledag og jeg har gravd frem bilen fra 30-40 cm snø, heldigvis med hjelp fra naboen :o)
Mvh Berit