This was an exciting day. As I have mentioned before my route, walking the Great Wall of China in Liaoning is based on an old map. Kim of the Great Wall Forum has been kind enough to help me make small adjustments on the route so that it follows potential findings on the Great Wall in the area. These findings have mainly been done using Google Earth.
Today I walked along one of these and am very happy to have seen some genuine Great Wall in Liaoning. I asked some farmers, less than a kilometre from the site, if there was any Great Wall in the area, and after having discussed it for a little while they said I needed to go to Shanhaiguan to find any Great Wall. Then I headed to a ridge above the fields they were working in. At first I just found some large rocks that formed a line with bushes in between them.
Walking on, I found that the rocks formed two solid lines in the earth between 4 and 6 feet apart. There were even some larger foundation stones visible at some spots. Walking on, I found traces of Great Wall where the rocks were still lying on top of each other about 3-5 rocks high. This was very exciting, and I have spoken to Kim about it already. See some pictures below.
As I am on a tight time ‘bugdet’ now, I can’t write more about the findings now, but will do so later when I have more time. Altogether I followed the traces of The Wall for about a kilometre. Without being really close and knowing what to look for, they are hard to spot. There was a path going along The Wall for a lot of the section. The Wall seemed to have the same characteristics of the Great Wall west of Zhangjiakou.
A big thanks to the Great Wall Forum and Kim for sharing Google Earth findings with me. It was really really fun to find and document this little stretch of Great Wall in Liaoning!
28 kilometres today
WOW – WOW – WOW !!!!
Love Mamma
Great find Robert!
I really look forward to see whatever you can find in this province 😉