Status every two weeks

Status week 19

The last two weeks have been long in effort, but short in perceived time. Does that make sense? I can remember a lot of hard walking because of the heat. But at the same time these reports feel like they are being written more often than every second week. I […]

Status week 17

      I have still had very hot weather, but looking on the long-term weather forecasts, things look like they are about to cool down for good. That’s great news.It has been fun walking the Ningxia loop and to see that there are remains of the Great Wall to […]

Status week 15

      As expected, my progress has not been so great the last couple of weeks. However, I am very happy to have finished a challenging walk through the thickest of deserts in very warm conditions and with very limited water supplies. Other than that, I have been working […]

Status week 13

Well, in fact the last three because of the break in Inner Mongolia.The last three weeks have been hot. The trip to Inner Mongolia was a great treat. It was also a wonderful ‘holiday’ from my walk along the Ming Dynasty Great Wall. Thanks a lot for the fun we […]

Status week 10

The last two weeks have been special because they are the first I have spent in China after my brother Jon left. I was very excited to see just how much Chinese I have learnt the two months he was here, and luckily it looks like I have learnt enough […]

Status week 8 2

      Jon and I have had two good weeks along the Great Wall with many good experiences. Jon took a plane from Beijing to Scotland last night and will be back home soon.The last couple of weeks, water has become the most important issue. The more mountainous region […]

Status week 6

      The last two weeks have been good. We have both taken advantage of the new and larger shoes we received in Zhangye. Apart from the last two days, I have hardly had any blisters at all.In the last status report, I wrote about ‘critical mass’ being a […]

Status week 4

      The last two weeks have been long. Luckily not only in perceived time, but in the number of kilometres we have put behind us. We have still not been able to get a proper system up and running for displaying how far we have walked, but we […]

Status week 2 1

      The last two weeks have been long. After starting to walk as planned, I soon needed to let my feet rest because of multiple blisters. I found out it was just as well to wait till my brother came to Jiayuguan before cutting the umbilical cord to […]

Status – I start tomorrow

      The last two and a half weeks have been pretty crazy. Tried to get all the arrows pointing in the same direction and hopefully meet some place, before I went to China a week ago.Now I’m sitting on my bed in a very nice hotel room in […]